Research & Planning for Social Impact

Shared Insights

Sharing ideas to inspire change.

Your Mental Health and Emotional Needs are Priority #1

We are all feeling overwhelmed and frayed these days. Our nerves are on high alert, we lash out easily and we turn to chemicals to numb the pain.

I recently spoke with almost 100 Directors, social workers and front line staff who provide after school and community development services for youth and families across New York City.  

What I heard was not a surprise. But the truths that were shared with me cannot be ignored. Kids are struggling with frustration and pain. They’ve fallen behind in both academic and emotional learning.  The adults they trust are struggling with their own worries and pain, impairing them from providing the assurance that kids need to feel like things will be alright. 

There aren’t enough social workers and counselors in schools, despite promises to hire more.  Visits with clinical professionals involves long waits and cash payments that many cannot afford.

The global pandemic didn’t spare anyone. Those of us who survived with our lives are still suffering the lingering psychological impact of the past three years.

You and I and our families and friends and neighbors and co-workers all deserve more compassion and care right now. Our individual and collective psyches deserve attention. 

In honor of National Mental Health Awareness Month and in remembrance of my brother Mike who took his own life 3 years ago and my brother Rob who has suffered a life of self-medication with alcohol and drugs, I want everyone to know prevention, early identification, and intervention, and integrated services work. Don’t wait for a crisis. #B4Stage4!  

Do yourself, your kids and your loved ones a huge favor and join a 1-day training on Mental Health First Aid.

Learn more here